I love you to the
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Recipes to unlock an energised life
Tom Aikens

About me
Breath, believe & blossom
I have spent my entire life battling health trauma – from extreme eczema to severe asthma to kerato conjunctivitis (agonising Eye disease) to a series of life threatening allergies. But by listening to my body, researching and obsessing about the rights and wrongs, going on a painstaking journey of trial and error, I substantially restored my health through natural wholesome foods and a change of lifestyle and mindset.

“Aim for balance. Make your own rules and follow your own rules and don’t let anybody tell you how to live according to theirs.”
– Favourite Quote by Rachel Brathen
I am grateful for the tough times as I am now full of self-love, healthy, strong, empathetic and helping others. This is happiness to me.
Life is so precious, our loved ones are everything and life is for living.
My cook book
You may wonder why this recipe book is different from any other recipe book based on health and well-being. The answer is balance. It is varied, consisting of classic recipes you will know and love, that I have adapted using wholesome, nutrient-dense ingredients. But alongside these, there are some ‘treat’ recipes, some delicious organic wine recommendations, and lots of my lovely friends and family’s favourites that I have slightly tweaked to make more nutritious.
What they say about my book ?
“This is a book that will inspire you and teach you quite a few new tricks. One of the things that I always bang on about is that I wish people would learn how to cook for themselves in a healthy well balanced manner and Freya has completely gone and done that with this great book of hers.”
“As Hippocrates so wisely stated, ‘Let food be thy medicine’. What he didn’t include which I believe is imperative, is let those who prepare it, do so with love. That’s what Freya is to food. Whilst there are a million+ recipes out there what you’ll find here are not only foods to heal, but recipes infused with love and the authentic difference this loving soul is here to make in your life.”
an Empowering
Success Story
‘Let food be thy medicine’ Hippocrates
Listen to your body